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Ben Clark has been with the PhillyLiving team for a few years now and is interested in several aspects of real estate. He’s served as a leasing, buyer’s, and seller’s agent in Philly and has a dream of eventually being involved in the development process from the ground up, selecting everything from the financing to the architect. 

What makes Ben super special to have on the PhillyLiving team however, is his love of Philadelphia history.  

“In retirement, I plan to be a tour guide – I love explaining the city to my clients,” says Ben. 

Ben Clark of PhillyLiving
Ben Clark

“More than the local places to eat, I love the hidden history of things like why blocks are named the way they are and why neighborhoods are the way they are.”

It’s true, restaurants come and go — but Philly has long been a part of American history. Just for fun, here are some of Ben’s favorite local real estate related facts about Philadelphia:

  • Graduate Hospital is home to the first US Naval Academy, founded in 1834. 
  • In 1984, the entire block of Mifflin Street in the Whitman neighborhood was illegally excavated and the paving stones were sold on the black market. The crime occurred in broad daylight.
  • The William Penn Statue atop City Hall is the largest statue on top of any building in the world. 

Having Philadelphia insight as a first time homebuyer or a transplant from another state can be invaluable. If your history knowledge of Philly is limited and you want your real estate experience to be chock full of those cool facts, Ben is your guy. 

At PhillyLiving, we want Ben’s tour guide dreams to come true before retirement – so this June, you can sign up to do a walking tour with Ben! On the tour, Ben will also take you by a few homes of different values and discuss the area as it relates to these homes. We’ll even have a representative from Center City Mortgage & Insurance on the tour to answer any financing or mortgage questions you might have. To sign up on June 3 or 5, R.S.V.P. here.

Can’t do the walking tour but would love to work with Ben? Contact Ben at or 856-366-8751. Bonus points if you happen to be the owner of a super cute unique-to-Philly Trinity home. Believe it or not, selling a Trinity is on Ben’s bucket list! 

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