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Decorating your apartment can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially when you incorporate elements that reflect Philadelphia’’s rich history, vibrant culture, and unique neighborhoods. Whether in a modern high-rise in Center City or a cozy row home in South Philly, here are some tips to help you make your rental feel like home without risking your security deposit.

Maximize Your Space with Multi-Functional Furniture

Philadelphia apartments, particularly in historic buildings, can sometimes be on the smaller side. Invest in multi-functional furniture, like a sofa bed or an ottoman with storage, to make the most of your space. Look for pieces that fit your aesthetic while offering practicality, such as a sleek modern sofa from Cella Luxuria or a vintage-inspired storage bench from Philly AIDS Thrift.

Incorporate Local Art

Philly is a city bursting with creativity, and supporting local artists is a great way to add personality to your apartment. Choose contemporary pieces from local galleries, or visit art markets like the ones on South Street to find something that resonates with you. Not only does this personalize your space, but it also supports the local arts community.

Embrace Temporary Decor Solutions

As a renter, you may not have the freedom to make permanent changes to your apartment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t personalize your space. Removable wallpaper or wall decals can add a splash of color or pattern without leaving a mark. For example, choose a bold mural or a classical pattern style design.

Bring the Outdoors In

Philadelphia is home to beautiful parks and green spaces, and you can bring that natural serenity into your apartment. Incorporate plants into your decor to create a calming, nature-inspired environment. Visit Terrain for a selection of indoor plants and nature-themed decor.

Highlight Architectural Details

Many Philadelphia apartments, especially those in older buildings, have unique architectural details like exposed brick walls, wooden beams, or original moldings. Highlight these features rather than covering them up. Complement them with antique furniture or decor from shops like Provenance, which specializes in architectural salvage.

Opt for Layered Lighting

Lighting can dramatically change the atmosphere of a room. Layer different types of lighting, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, to create a warm and inviting space. Consider adding a mix of modern and vintage lighting fixtures to blend the old with the new, much like the city of Philadelphia itself.

Personalize with Philadelphia-Inspired Decor

Finally, add personal touches that reflect your love for Philly. Whether it’s artwork of the skyline, cushions featuring local landmarks, or decor items inspired by Philly’s neighborhoods, these small details can make your apartment feel uniquely yours. Check out one of our favorite home goods stores that features local artists, Open House in the Gayborhood.

Discover Your Philly Style

Have you ever wondered what your personal style is like? Would you be interested in learning where your style is the best match in Philly? We have you covered! Taking our Philly Style Quiz lets you learn what style suits you best. This quiz has only eight questions and can help unlock potential ideas on where you could fit in best. Is your style sleek and modern? Maybe downtown is a fit. Are you hipster and trendy? Maybe Old City is for you. Are you outdoorsy and athletic? Maybe Manayunk is your spot. Take the quiz now and help it point you in the right direction.


Decorating your Philadelphia apartment is an opportunity to blend your personal style with the city’s rich character. With these renter-friendly tips, you can create a space that feels like home, whether you’re staying for a year or a lifetime.For more tips on making the most of your rental property, or if you’re looking for a new place to call home in Philadelphia, visit PhillyLiving Management Group. Happy decorating!

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