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Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the factors influencing property management fees.
  • Learn about common fee structures used by property management companies.
  • Discover how to assess the value provided by property managers.
  • Gain insights into industry standards and how to find the right fit.


Property management fees are crucial to hiring a professional to oversee your real estate investment. Whether you’re a landlord or property owner, navigating the landscape of fees can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of property management fees, providing insights, tips, and answering common questions to empower you in making informed decisions. PhillyLiving Management Group has over 30 years experience with local Philadelphia landlords and property owners. We offer a wide range of services that can help take the burden off of your shoulders when managing your property. We also want to develop a profitable working relationship and the following tips and pointers will highlight how we help our clients maximize their properties.

Factors Influencing Property Management Fees

Location Matters

One of the primary factors influencing property management fees is the property’s location. Urban areas may have higher fees due to increased demand and operating costs. Philadelphia is a primary US market, and as such, fees will be determined by the area and neighborhood of your property. 

Property Type and Size

Different fee structures often apply to residential and commercial properties. Additionally, the size of the property can impact the workload and, consequently, the fees. PhillyLiving Management Group works with almost all types of properties. To learn about some of the major areas of need, visit our services page.

Services Included

Property management services can vary widely. Full-service management, which includes tasks like tenant screening and maintenance, may have higher fees compared to more basic services. One example is collecting rent. PhillyLiving Management Group has helped reduce the stress of rent collection by taking on this responsibility. 

Check out our recent Instagram Reel highlighting our many services!

Common Fee Structures

Percentage of Rent

A prevalent fee structure is charging a percentage of the monthly rent. This typically ranges from 6% to 10%, but percentages can vary based on the property’s specifics. We will work with you to determine the best solution for your property type. PhillyLiving Management Group works with many types of properties.

  • Single-Family Homes
  • Multi-Family Units
  • HOA  & Condo Association Management
  • Investment Properties
  • & more!

Flat Fee

Some property management companies charge a flat fee, regardless of the rent amount. This can be advantageous for high-rent properties. In Philadelphia, there are many properties in highly desirable areas like Rittenhouse Square, Chestnut Hill, Center City, and more. A flat property management fee framework is likely best when assessing fee structures for these areas.

Tenant Placement Fee

When a property manager finds a new tenant, they might charge a one-time fee equivalent to a percentage of the first month’s rent.

Assessing the Value Provided

Value-Added Services

Evaluate the additional services offered. Regular property inspections, online owner portals, and detailed financial reporting contribute to a property manager’s overall value.

Reputation and Experience

Consider a property management company’s reputation and experience in the industry. Client testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights. PhillyLiving Management Group has over 200 reviews on Google. We have the experience, expertise, and reputation for excellent customer service.

For More Resources

For more information on property management best practices, check out Philly Living’s guide to hiring the right property management company. To better understand the industry and standards, visit the website of the National Association of Residential Property Managers to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are property management fees tax-deductible?

A: Yes, in many cases. Some or all of the property management fees can be deducted as a business expense. Consult with a tax professional for personalized advice.

Q: Can I manage my property to avoid fees?

A: Yes, but consider the trade-offs. Self-management can save money, but it requires time, effort, and expertise in dealing with tenants and property issues.

Q: How often are property management fees charged?

A: Fees are typically monthly. Most property management companies charge fees every month, aligned with rent collection.


Navigating property management fees is a crucial aspect of optimizing your real estate investment. By understanding the factors influencing fees, common structures, and how to assess value, you can make informed decisions that align with your property goals. Remember to negotiate, evaluate the overall value provided, and always consider industry standards. If you’re interested in more insights, read through some of the most critical questions we encounter with our clients in our Q&A session with Matt Bremner, President of PhillyLiving Management Group.

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