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PHILADELPHIA, PA – February 8, 2021 — One of the leading real estate businesses in the country, PhillyLiving, today announced the acquisition of Gardener Associates security alarm monitoring assets to form a new division called PhillyLiving Security. Tre Gardener, President of Gardener Associates, will stay on board to continue servicing the existing security alarm clients and will continue to offer other services through Gardener Associates.

“My decision to sell the security alarm monitoring division was made in order to expand business for my team and improve the quality of service for all my clients,” said Mr. Gardener. “I am confident that the PhillyLiving team will be a tremendous support to us.”

In a letter announcing the acquisition to clients, Mr. Gardener expressed limited changes as a result of the new ownership of the division. An initial improvement for the company will be a new paperless billing platform that will be rolled out to clients in the near future. One obvious upside to the deal is that PhillyLiving will now be able to provide security alarm systems directly to real estate clients at a reduced cost. 

“I am thrilled to add the great security and alarm monitoring team at Gardener Associates to our PhillyLiving family.” said Noah Ostroff, CEO & President of PhillyLiving. “From the start, expansion through connected companies has been my goal for the PhillyLiving brand. My vision has always been to provide real estate and home services so great, you won’t want – or need – to go anywhere else.”

For more information on PhillyLiving Security and future brand expansion, contact Noah Ostroff at

About PhillyLiving:
PhillyLiving is all about enhancing quality of life and making it easier for people to experience moments of joy through real estate. What started as a one-man team led by Noah Ostroff in 2010 has become a full-service organization with 33 agents and an experienced in-house operations group that supports all types of real estate transactions. In 2017, PhillyLiving acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company, which has leased 15,000 properties to date. In 2020, a new division of PhillyLiving called PhillyLiving Management Group was formed to expand the business in the area of property management and in 2021, the company grew to include home products with the PhillyLiving Security division.

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