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PHILADELPHIA, PA – One of the leading real estate businesses in the country, PhillyLiving, today announced a strategic partnership with the well-known property management firm, PMG, to form the PhillyLiving Management Group.

Former President of PMG, Mr. Matt Bremner, will continue to lead his existing team, while the PhillyLiving team of 20 full-time rental, sales, and commercial real estate agents and a back office staff will bring more exposure and a tremendous amount of future investment and divestment opportunities to the new entity.

“In July 2020, PMG decided that a strategic partnership with the respected real estate team, PhillyLiving, was the best way to service our tenants, homeowners, and landlords,”said Mr. Bremner. “The decision was made carefully and with good intention for myself and my clients – in a way that would only improve our performance and relationships.”

Under the leadership of Mr. Noah Ostroff, PhillyLiving has worked hard to build a strong brand in Philadelphia since 2010. “We certainly see PhillyLiving Management Group as a strategic step towards an exciting larger vision,” said Mr. Ostroff. “We will continue to execute on our promise to provide a seamless real estate experience.”

As for what is next for the new entity, the former PMG team will stay in place at their 13th street location in Philadelphia until a new office is completed for the larger PhillyLiving team at Broad and Fitzwater in 2021. Together, the entire team will offer unparalleled full-service solutions to clients throughout their real estate journey.

For more information on PhillyLiving Management Group, contact Noah Ostroff at

About PhillyLiving:

PhillyLiving is all about enhancing quality of life and making it easier for people to experience moments of joy through real estate. What started as a one-man team led by Noah Ostroff in 2010 has become a full-service organization with 33 agents and an experienced in-house operations group that supports all types of real estate transactions. In 2017, PhillyLiving acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company, which has leased 15,000 properties to date. Most recently in 2020, a new division of PhillyLiving called PhillyLiving Management Group was formed to expand the business in the area of property management.

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