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Whether you are a landlord or a homeowner, taking professional photographs of your property that is for sale or for rent is one of the most important decisions you can make. Alcove Media is one of our photography partners and they are passionate about helping clients make an impact when listing a property through great photography and video. They’ve been helping property managers in the Philadelphia, South Jersey and Delaware areas since 2015. Below are a few tips from Alcove Media to help prepare your home before their photographers arrive to take listing photos.

Tips to Prepare Your Home for Listing Photos:

  1. Clean! This is your first impression on the market 
  2. Make sure all light bulbs are working
  3. Remove all magnets and papers from the refrigerator
  4. Clean off kitchen countertops
  5. Hide all exposed power cords 
  6. Hide toys, place them in boxes so they can be quickly removed from a room 
  7. Put toothbrushes and bathroom sink clutter away 
  8. Turn off computer and TV screens
  9. Move cars out of driveway 
  10. Remove trash cans and place them in the garage or hide alongside the house.
  11. Arrange outdoor furniture and top with cushions. 

What can you expect once the photographer arrives at your home? 

At Alcove Media, the focus is on the main living areas and special features that highlight your home. Unfinished areas, storage rooms, or closets are usually skipped, unless specifically requested. Alcove will turn on lights (and turn them back off), arrange window blinds, and move a few small items if necessary. They will send the photos the following business day to your real estate agent to put online and get buyers in the door!

About Alcove Media:

A lot happens in a day at Alcove. From photography, videography, editing, and virtual staging, Alcove works hard to fulfill our mission to help real estate agents and homeowners sell and rent their properties faster. We strive to provide the highest quality products, at the best possible price, with unmatched customer service. With Alcove, you get the scheduling power of a large company with the artistic consistency of an individual photographer.

About PhillyLiving Management Group:

At PhillyLiving Management Group, our mission is to empower and support real estate investors and tenants through education and advocacy, reducing vacancies, optimizing portfolios, and cultivating long-term wealth. We provide clear, thorough, and honest communication with our customers and employees which results in peace of mind. For more information, visit

PhillyLiving Management Group is the property management division of PhillyLiving led by Matt Bremner. It is a second generation, family-owned business that began in 1982 when Bob Bremner started managing properties in Washington Square. Today, the company serves homeowners, individual investors, community associations, banks, municipalities, portfolio managers, and national institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. PhillyLiving Management Group has a proven ability to turn around rental investments and solve operational problems. It has grown to 3,000 units under management around the Greater Philadelphia market.

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