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The condo market in Philadelphia is buzzing with exciting trends. PhillyLiving Management Group, overseeing 120 condo associations, deeply understands these trends and how they impact condo owners. Let’s take a closer look at some of the hottest trends shaping the city today. 

Trend 1: Smart Tech Integration

In Philadelphia, many condo buildings are integrating smart home systems that allow residents to control lighting, climate, and security from their smartphones. These features make daily life easier for condo owners. For example, many condo owners have installed smart thermostats, like Nest, which allows residents to adjust the temperature according to their schedules. Additionally, PhillyLiving Management Group has helped several of our condo clients enhance their security and convenience by installing the ButterflyMX intercom system. This allows residents to manage visitor access through their smartphones. Our team oversees the installation process and ensures the system is fully integrated and user-friendly for all condo owners.

Trend 2: Sustainability

Condos are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices in Philadelphia to meet the demand for sustainable living. Many condo communities in the city feature energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and green roofs. Additionally, developers are using sustainable materials such as natural insulation. PhillyLiving Management Group is proud to manage The Icehouse, a community in Fishtown that is one of the few Green LEED-certified developments in the area. Constructed by E-Built, the building has a rainwater collection system, which runs irrigation on the green roofs, re-fills Koi ponds, and is used for cleaning. Furthermore, The Icehouse incorporates other green features such as solar panels and high-efficiency HVAC systems, significantly reducing the building’s carbon footprint. PhillyLiving Management Group is committed to promoting and managing such eco-friendly properties, ensuring that our communities are at the forefront of sustainable living. 

Trend 3: Fitness Facilities

In recent years, condo buildings in Philadelphia have made strides in prioritizing residents’ wellness by adding fitness facilities to their communities. At PhillyLiving Management Group, we actively collaborate with our condo association clients to ensure their gyms are well maintained. Our services encompass everything from promptly addressing maintenance requests to routine equipment cleaning.  

Trend 4: Community Gatherings

Condo owners value opportunities for social interaction with their neighbors. To facilitate this, condo communities often organize various activities, events, and meetings for their residents. Some gatherings include community BBQs in communal lounges or rooftops and game nights. Furthermore, some condo associations organize special interest groups or clubs based on hobbies or interests, such as book clubs, running groups, or pet playdates, allowing residents to bond over shared passions. 

At PhillyLiving Management Group, we work with condo associations to ensure their residents have a positive living experience. If you want to learn more about our condo management services or need assistance purchasing a condo, please email us at to learn how we can assist you.

About the Author: George Wells is a real estate professional with years of experience navigating the dynamic Philadelphia market. As a proud Philadelphian and explorer at heart, George is passionate about uncovering the latest trends and insights shaping the city’s real estate landscape. Connect with George on LinkedIn here.

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