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Noah Ostroff attended Cheltenham High School and graduated with High Honors from Penn State University with dual degrees in Marketing and International Business. After college, Noah moved to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida where he immediately began working as a project manager for Toll Brothers and subsequently Centex Homes. As the youngest-ever project manager, he oversaw the entire building operation of hundreds of new luxury homes.

Noah moved back to Center City, Philadelphia in 2006, after deciding to start a family and move closer to a large network of friends and family in the Philadelphia area. With his experience in new home construction, and after purchasing several homes in Philadelphia and Florida, he found that he enjoyed and excelled at giving advice and assistance to friends making their first purchase. It was only a matter of time before he would consider making his hobby a full time career.

In 2008, Noah joined Coldwell Banker Preferred and rapidly became one of the company’s top performing agents. In 2009, he earned the “Rookie of the Year” award for closing more deals in his first full year than any other agents in the company’s history. In 2010, Philadelphia Magazine gave Noah Ostroff the 5 Star Award for excellence in the industry. Noah then formed an exceptional team of agents, marketing professionals, and operations staff to help better serve the Philadelphia Real Estate market.

Since its formation, Noah’s PhillyLiving Team has both set and broken records time and time again, including “Most Number of Buyer Controlled Sales” (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) , “Most Listing Side Sales” (2013, 2014, 2015), “Most Total Units Sold” (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), and have earned some of the highest awards offered, including “International Presidential Elite Team”(2010), “International Presidential Premier Team” (2011, 2012, 2013). Additionally the team has consistently ranked as the Top Team over the past four years, has been named as one of the top teams out of NRT’s 75,000 agents (2011, 2012, 2013) and one of the top 50 teams in the Country by the Wall Street Journal (2013). The team earned the Society of Excellence Award from NRT in 2013, which is given to less than 50 agents in the entire country.

In 2014, Noah and the PhillyLiving Team moved their operation of 15 people to Keller Williams. Within their first year there, they quickly became one of the top four teams in the entire company of over 170,000 agents and the #1 team in the region.

The move to Keller Williams set off a number of other changes for Noah’s real estate business. In 2014, JerseyLiving was formed and in 2015, PhillyLiving began an expansion team on the Main Line in Bryn Mawr. In 2016, PhillyLiving and JerseyLiving merged under their parent company, GlobalLiving Companies, Inc. with a strong vision in place for the future.

Noah then branched out and opened his own Keller Williams brokerage called KW Philly (Now KW Empower) where he became the Operating Partner (OP). He set out to redefine the real estate brokerage experience, creating a unique platform where agents and teams could be wildly successful in a collaborative environment. Keller Williams Philly had over 400 agents, was the #1 brokerage by Volume and Units in Philadelphia, and sold over $1.5 Billion in sales volume in 2020.

Noah intentionally sought to build a real estate team with a full-service offering. In 2017, GlobalLiving Companies acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company (, which has leased out over 15,000 properties to date. The Philly Apartment Company, serviced by PhillyLiving agents, represents some of the biggest landlords in Philadelphia. In 2020, a new division of PhillyLiving called PhillyLiving Management Group was formed to strategically expand the business in the area of property management. The expanding team of agents and office staff is all part of Noah’s exciting larger vision and a promise to provide a seamless real estate experience.

Key Stats for the PhillyLiving Team:

2013 Sales – $85,000,000
2014 Sales – $90,000,000
2015 Sales – $180,000,000
2016 Sales – $195,000,000
2017 Sales – $210,000,000
2018 Sales – $115,000,000
2019 Sales – $155,000,000
2020 Sales – $125,000,000

GlobalLiving has sold over 4,000 houses for over $1 Billion in sales Volume.

Philanthropy and service is extremely important to Noah. As a respected industry expert, Noah became a board member in 2016 for the Building Industry Association (BIA) and has continued to serve in this capacity. In 2016, The Philly Giving Foundation was formed, which donates micro grants to the Philadelphia schools for special projects not afforded by the school. From 2013 to 2019, Noah Ostroff donated many “free houses”  to various charities around Philadelphia, by raffling houses to the high bidders and donating the money to charity. From 2010 to 2019, Noah’s business efforts added over $50,000,000 in tax dollars to the city of Philadelphia through transfer tax.

In addition to his real estate sales business, Noah is also the founder and CEO of Center City Development (, a real estate development company specializing in the development and construction of many of the most beautiful homes in Philadelphia. Noah and his development company were the Developers and Builders of Lombard Estates at 18th and Lombard, Rittenhouse Estates at 19th and Lombard, Walnut Estates at 22nd and Walnut, Garden Square at 12th and Bainbridge, Estates on 3rd at 3rd and Locust, the Exile Building at 13th and Reed, as well as over 150 other properties around Center City and the surrounding neighborhoods. The development company has helped to employ hundreds of minority and non-minority workers throughout all of its projects, as well as helping to improve the city of Philadelphia.

A rare and incredible visionary, it’s no secret that Noah Ostroff plans on growing his companies to employ over 1,000 people.