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Andrew Mascieri of PhillyLiving
Andrew Mascieri

Andrew Mascieri is a young agent on the PhillyLiving team who also happens to be one of our top producers. He is dual-licensed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey is a noted social media influencer and has a background in architecture, space planning, and design, which he’s been able to leverage in real estate as an agent. 

With this background, Andrew is often able to help his clients see the true potential of a home that they might not typically consider. Sometimes he works with clients who are looking at homes well below their budget so they can afford to remodel them. Or perhaps, they have a small budget but they want to make a wise financial choice at the start of homeownership. Remodeling kitchens can be a big-ticket project but the kitchen can also make or break a home. 

Read on for three different examples of how Andrew was able to make kitchen suggestions for his client(s), which ultimately convinced them to close the deal on their dream home. 

Scenario 1: Creating an Open Floor Plan

Andrew and his clients viewed a home in Cherry Hill, NJ that had been completely redone at the start of the Pandemic. The kitchen was brand new but it was small and closed off. To the left of the kitchen was a small separate room that was not being used and seemed like wasted space. After talking with the seller, they learned that the original vision was to open this space to the kitchen but the permit process would have taken a lot longer due to Covid. Andrew quickly came up with a solution that his clients loved and are in the process of implementing as the new owners. They took down part of a wall and built an island connecting to the adjacent room. With this idea, the client will not have to redo the already new kitchen and was able to achieve the open kitchen/dining/den floor plan they desired!

Scenario 2: Extending the Kitchen

Another client viewed a home with a smaller kitchen and was disappointed by the lack of counter space or room for a wine fridge. Andrew took note of the kitchen pantry that backed up to a laundry room and suggested they bust through the pantry and extend the kitchen into the laundry room (and use a stackable washer and dryer to save space). After the clients bought the home, they took Andrew’s suggestion and remodeled the kitchen to their heart’s content.

Scenario 3: Swapping the Kitchen with the Dining Room

The third example is from Andrew’s own experience as he was looking to purchase his own fixer-upper in Merchantville, NJ. When Andrew first viewed his current home in August of 2019, he felt that the kitchen was too small. It was a beautiful Victorian, exactly what he had in mind for his first home. In November of 2019, after he had viewed many other homes that weren’t quite right, Andrew returned to the house to view it a second time. He realized then that he could relocate the kitchen to what was currently a large dining room and put the dining room where the kitchen was currently. Fast forward to 2021 and Andrew now has a popular Instagram account where he showcases his home renovations including a beautifully remodeled kitchen

Andrew Mascieri Architecture
Andrew’s Kitchen Remodel @Houseofandrewtyler

Andrew has offered many suggestions to clients over the years that weren’t just related to kitchens — and his experience in renovating his own home has also allowed him to be a resource for clients when they have questions about costs associated with renovations. He always recommends using a contractor of course, but he’s upfront knowledge and guidance is one of the many reasons Andrew is a sought-after agent on our team. 

Want to work with Andrew in either Pennsylvania or New Jersey? Contact him at or 609-712-2961.

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