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Samantha Rodrigues


Search Properties


Samantha Rodrigues, a Philadelphia native, has seamlessly transitioned from a four-year stint as a beauty industry entrepreneur to a thriving real estate agent. Navigating the challenges of starting a business during the COVID-19 era, Samantha’s unwavering commitment and client-centric approach propelled her to triumph over adversities. Tri-lingual in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, Samantha excels in tailoring her services to meet the unique needs of her diverse clientele.
Her journey into real estate was inspired by her father, a successful general contractor and real estate investor in the greater Philadelphia area. Drawing from these influences, Samantha learned the virtues of patience and the art of setting the stage for both personal and client success. Proudly affiliated with Keller Williams, Samantha radiates confidence in the company’s values and, more significantly, in herself. Eager to help you check off all the boxes in your real estate journey, reach out to Samantha at (267) 974-6850

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