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Marc Bennett


Search Properties



Since 2017, Marc Bennett has held a real estate license, catering to the greater Philadelphia area, South Jersey, and the Jersey Shore.

A graduate of Temple University with a degree in criminal justice, Marc faced a challenging two-year battle with cancer following college. Instead of allowing this period to define him negatively, he drew inspiration from it to live his best life. Immersed in the world of real estate through constant viewing of the TV show “Million Dollar Listing” during his hospital stay, Marc resolved that upon regaining his health, he would dive into the real estate industry.
Determined to master every facet of real estate, Marc has dedicated himself to working with first-time homebuyers, sellers, investors, and development projects. Over the course of his career, he has successfully facilitated transactions totaling over $100 million. Marc’s approach to success involves prioritizing his clients’ needs, going the extra mile to uncover exclusive off-market opportunities. He consistently expands his knowledge and expertise, earning numerous awards and establishing himself as one of the top producers in both his office and the city of Philadelphia.
Remarkably, despite his significant business ventures, Marc remains committed to assisting clients with rentals, a service that many realtors of his stature typically avoid. This underscores his unwavering dedication to serving clients with the utmost care.
Outside of the real estate realm, Marc finds joy in the company of his French Bulldog, Kobie, indulges in travel, and relishes time spent at his shore house in Margate, NJ. An enthusiastic investor, he continually grows his rental portfolio, engaging in the cycle of buying, renovating, and selling homes. As a devoted Philadelphia sports fan and a longstanding season ticket holder for the Sixers, Marc’s diverse interests and commitments reflect his well-rounded personality.
For those seeking a real estate professional capable of delivering a level of service beyond the ordinary, Marc Bennett is the ideal choice.

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