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Kelly Steyn of PhillyLiving

Liz Lutz


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With over 13 years of experience, Liz Lutz is a seasoned real estate professional dedicated to exceeding client expectations. After leading her own successful team for six years, Liz shifted her focus to her true passion: providing personalized attention to clients’ real estate needs. A skilled negotiator, she’s committed to achieving the best prices and terms for both buyers and sellers.

Liz holds a Magna Cum Laude B.S. in Business Management from LaSalle University and remains active in the esteemed Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. Her entrepreneurial spirit has driven her since age 18, adding a practical edge to her expertise.

As a wife and mother of a child with special needs, Liz understands the unique needs of families. This personal experience enhances her ability to tailor real estate solutions that cater to individual family dynamics.

Based in South Philly’s Pennsport neighborhood, Liz values community service. You’ll find her leading clean-ups, organizing food drives for Philabundance, and contributing to charity events. With Liz Lutz, you’re not just getting a real estate agent, but a partner dedicated to your success, your family’s well-being, and the betterment of your community.


  • Philadelphia and surrounding counties


  • Move-up buyers
  • Distressed sellers
  • Listings

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