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Kristin Klinger

Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer

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Kristin is a passionate and experienced Creative Director/Marketing Coordinator based in the Chicagoland area. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design from Columbia College Chicago, she has developed a strong foundation in this creative and ever-evolving field.

Throughout her career, she has gained invaluable expertise in various areas of design and marketing, including publications, web, social media, e-marketing, trade shows, signage, packaging, and direct mail. The diverse range of projects she has worked on has allowed her to hone her skills and develop a multifaceted approach to design and marketing that is both aesthetically appealing and strategically effective.

When she is not immersed in the world of design and marketing, you can often find her riding her Peloton or practicing yoga. She also loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Let’s Make Good Happen