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Katie Smith


Search Properties


Katie Smith began her real estate career in 2022 and joined the PhillyLiving team as a REALTORĀ® in February 2024. Katie has experience with both residential and commercial real estate transactions. A strategic thinker at heart, Katie is a strong negotiator and problem solver for her clients.

Originally from the Philadelphia suburbs, Katie grew up in Montgomery County, PA. She attended the University of Pittsburgh and graduated magna cum laude with degrees in Actuarial Mathematics and Economics. Katie also holds a master’s degree in Mathematics.

Prior to real estate, Katie has 8 years of teaching experience at both the collegiate and high school levels. She taught 12th grade math in Allentown, PA before receiving her license. Katie realized she could leverage her passion for teaching and her background in financial math / risk analysis to help buyers, sellers, and investors with their real estate goals. Katie is also building a real estate investment portfolio of her own and is excited to help other individuals achieve their wealth building goals alongside her.

Philadelphia and its immediate suburbs
South Jersey
Jersey Shore Points

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