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Donna O’Brien 


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Professionally, Donna O’Brien came from a corporate background in software training for PriceWaterhouse (now IBM Consulting) and most recently, from the telecommunications industry, where she worked for 15 years. In 2016, she became an investor in the real estate market, leveraging retirement assets to purchase several rental properties, turning one into a successful AIRBNB business. Since then, Donna has gained a passion for real estate and the motivation to leverage her experience to help others make their dreams come true. Today, Donna is a licensed agent in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey and is certified as a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES). She is a big believer in the motto “plan your work and work your plan.”

Donna is a New Jersey native, the proud mother of two grown children – one of whom is a top producing agent on the team, Andrew Mascieri. Donna is also a dog mom, a Peloton rider, and an obsessed Philadelphia sports fan.


  • Burlington County – Southern New Jersey
  • Gloucester County – Southern New Jersey
  • Camden County – Southern New Jersey
  • Atlantic County – Shore Towns
  • Philadelphia County
  • Montgomery County
  • Bucks County


  • Senior Real Estate Specialist
  • Experience with 55+ communities
  • Downsizing

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