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Derek Fulforth


Search Properties


With over seven years in the Real Estate industry, Derek Fulforth prides himself on the experience he provides to his clients during each transaction – whether it’s their first or eighth time selling or buying a home! Communication and knowledge are two things he brings to every transaction. Derek ALWAYS tells his clients that a “knowledgeable client is a strong client.”

After several years in the Customer/Client Services world, Derek brought his talents to the Real Estate industry where he used the same passion for helping people have a great experience throughout the process of buying or selling a home! While he may work a ton, when Derek is not working, you can find him on the beach or down the Jersey shore in the Summertime, or traveling to new hiking spots across the U.S. He’s an avid Philly sports fan as well, so there’s always plenty of heartbreak to go around throughout the year! Derek looks forward to working with you!

Let’s Make Good Happen