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Prime rental season is upon us! At PhillyLiving Management Group, we work with hundreds of renters a year. More than 50% of the renters that we work with move during peak rental season, which is typically between May and August. While moving can be exciting, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the tasks needed to settle into a new home. To help you navigate this busy season with ease, we’ve put together a handy checklist

  1. Give notice 

When moving out of your current rental, you’ll need to give your landlord proper notice to vacate. At PhillyLiving Management Group we send lease renewals to our tenants at least 90 days before their lease end date. The tenant must give notice of non-renewal in writing within at least sixty days before their lease ends or else the lease will automatically renew. Typically most other buildings and landlords in Philadelphia require 30-60 days notice, but it is always best to check your lease agreement. 

If you are considering buying a home, it’s important to start planning early. Our sales agent, Sabina Palermo, suggests talking to a loan officer right away or at least 4 or 5 months before your lease ends.

  1. Schedule movers or rent a moving truck 

If you are moving yourself, you’ll want to call companies such as UHaul or Enterprise to rent a truck for your move. If you’d rather hire movers, it’s best to call a few local companies in the area to collect quotes and find the best deal. Renters who are moving into a PhillyLiving Management listing have an opportunity to sign up for our moving concierge.

Once your move is scheduled, you’ll want to reserve a time slot for elevator access at your current and new apartments.

  1. Declutter and Organize 

The more organized you are, the easier the move will be! You’ll first want to start by going through your clothes and items – consolidating, donating, or selling them. Consider getting rid of things that you do not use or need any longer. It’s also a smart idea to make a simple inventory list of important items so you know what you have and won’t lose anything during your move. 

  1. Pack Smart 

With scheduling your move and decluttering done, the next step on your checklist is packing. You’ll want to get packing supplies – Amazon sells moving kits that come with boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and more! If you need more boxes, check the trash rooms in your buildings or ask around town at grocery stores and local retailers. Once you pack the boxes, clearly label each of them noting which items are stored. This will make it easier for you to unpack! Pack jewelry, electronics, and other valuable items in a separate bag that you’ll bring with you to your new home. 

  1. Clean Your Old Apartment 

In order to get your security deposit back, you’ll want to leave your old apartment in a good condition. While all leases and companies have different vacating policies, here are some general tips you can follow to increase your chances of getting your full security deposit back.

  1. Transfer your utilities and services 

Contact your utility, cable and internet service providers and transfer them to your new apartment. If you are moving to a new city, you’ll also want to cancel your gym membership or any other local services that you use. 

  1. Update your address 

File for mail forwarding through USPS. Also get in touch with your insurance carrier, phone provider, and bank to update your address and avoid missing important pieces of mail. 

  1. Move-in day 

Congratulations on moving into your new home! Before settling in, complete a move-inspection noting the condition of the property. Taking the time to perform a detailed inspection can save you from potential disputes over damages or issues that may arise during your stay. Here are some things to note: 

  • Condition of the walls: scratches, dents, or marks 
  • Inspect floors for any stains or damage to carpet or hardwood 
  • Test doors and windows to ensure they open, close, and lock properly
  • Check appliances for functionality and any visible issues. 
  1. Unpack and Familiarize Yourself 

Welcome home! Unpack room by room, starting with the essentials. Focus on setting up your bedroom and kitchen first. Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Building a sense of community can enhance your living experience. In case of an emergency you should also familiarize yourself with emergency exits, fire extinguisher locations, and any other safety features in your new apartment. Walk around the neighborhood to locate your local necessities including grocery stores, convenience stores, dry cleaners, and more. 

Moving to a new apartment is a significant life change, and with careful planning and organization, you can turn it into a positive experience. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a comfortable and welcoming home in your new space. If you are renting with PhillyLiving Management Group, we hope you will renew your lease. To find a new rental click here and our team will be in touch with you! 

About PhillyLiving Management Group:

At PhillyLiving Management Group, our mission is to empower and support real estate investors and tenants through education and advocacy, reducing vacancies, optimizing portfolios, and cultivating long-term wealth. We provide clear, thorough, and honest communication with our customers and employees which results in peace of mind. 

PhillyLiving Management Group is the property management division of PhillyLiving led by Matt Bremner. It is a second generation, family-owned business that began in 1982 when Bob Bremner started managing properties in Washington Square. Today, the company serves homeowners, individual investors, community associations, banks, municipalities, portfolio managers, and national institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. PhillyLiving Management Group has a proven ability to turn around rental investments and solve operational problems. It has grown to 3,000 units under management around the Greater Philadelphia market.

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