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Hansel Akers


Hansel Akers is originally from Lancaster, PA where he grew up surrounded by a passionate real estate family. A family including Agents, Brokers and Administrators.

Hansel attended Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. where he studied Healthcare Management and captained the track team for the Hoyas for three years. Following college, Hansel spent time working at a major Health System in the DC Area and coached track at Georgetown. He ultimately moved back to Philadelphia to be closer to his wife, Kristin, and family.

Hansel is passionate about meeting new people and helping them achieve their goals. Prior to obtaining his real estate license, Hansel was the de facto real estate agent for all of his friends and family members to make sure they were confident in buying, selling, and potential real estate investments. Hansel loves sharing his passion for real estate with everyone he comes in contact with.

In addition to real estate and real estate investing, Hansel is passionate about startups, software sales, technology, entrepreneurship and, above all, helping others win! In Hansel’s spare time, he loves traveling with his wife. They have recently been to Italy, Belgium and South Africa.  He also enjoys running, spending time with his puppy, Lambeau, and cheering for the Green Bay Packers and Washington Capitals.

Let’s Make Good Happen