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Jean Cruz - Controller

Jean Cruz

Controller, PhillyLiving

“Doing the right things does not equal taking shortcuts – when you take the right steps, the road shortens by itself.” – Jean Cruz

In September 2019, Jean Cruz became the Accounting Controller for the PhillyLiving team and all of Noah Ostroff’s companies under the GlobalLiving umbrella, including Center City Development. Jean began with the company as a Bookkeeper in September 2018 and prior to joining the team, held various staff accounting and customer service positions for over ten years. 

Jean’s professional focus has centered around customer service and satisfaction as well as efficiency and logistics. He cares deeply about understanding the balance between the right path and the goal. He believes in attention to detail, continuous growth, cross training, and constantly reviewing and polishing what needs to be done.

Jean holds a degree in Accounting from Inter American University of Puerto Rico. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Karen, his son, Eniel, and his cat, Muffin. Jean also enjoys playing guitar, writing, reading and cooking.

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