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Matthew Bremner

President, PhillyLiving Management Group

Matt Bremner is a graduate of the University of Tampa. From 1998 to 2009, Matt worked in the insurance industry, specializing in personal lines encompassing property, liability and casualty segments. Simultaneously, he ventured into residential real estate – owning, managing, and developing properties. In 2009, Matt joined Property Management Group now known as PhillyLiving Management Group. By 2016 Matt purchased the company, becoming owner and President. Within his role, Matt assumes responsibility for directing financial operations and spearheading the expansion of the management side of the business. Notably, Matt has honed his expertise in condominium and homeowners association (HOA) management, and is a delegate on the CAI Legislating Action Committee. Additionally, Matt holds a Pennsylvania salesperson’s license and has completed all coursework required for obtaining a Pennsylvania brokerage license.

Let’s Make Good Happen