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Chardae Taylor_PhillyLiving

Chardae Taylor 


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Chardae, a native of Philadelphia, PA, boasts over 15 years of distinguished finance experience cultivated at two prominent Credit Unions. Leveraging her expertise, she transitioned into real estate after successfully navigating her own investment ventures, acquiring a few properties. Chardae is committed to guiding her clients through the complexities of selling and purchasing homes, drawing upon her robust knowledge of the Real Estate Market.

Renowned for her relatability and comprehensive understanding, Chardae excels in catering to a diverse clientele, ensuring each individual receives personalized attention and expert advice. Outside of her professional endeavors, Chardae finds joy in quality time with loved ones, indulging in culinary pursuits, exploring fine wines, and indulging in leisurely retail therapy. In addition to her real estate pursuits, Chardae channels her creativity and skill as a Nail Technician, further enriching her multifaceted professional repertoire.

  • Philadelphia County
  • Montgomery County
  • Delaware County
  • Chestnut County
  • Listing and selling homes quickly
  • Complex negotiations
  • Marketing and strategic planning

Let’s Make Good Happen