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Residential & Commercial Sales Team  |  Property Management & Leasing Team  |  Executive Leadership & Support Team

Residential & Commercial Sales Team

Ashley Ostroff_PL
Ashley Ostroff

About Ashley

Anna Ivanova

About Anna

Bill Samson
Bill Samson
chardae taylor_philly agent
Chardae Taylor
Derek Fulforth
Derek Fulforth

About Derek

Donna O'Brien
Donna O'Brien

REALTOR®, Voorhees / Cherry Hill
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About Donna

Eric Bzura
Fred Capp Headshots1315
Fred Capp
Hansel Akers
Hansel Akers

About Hansel

Ian Creech
Ian Creech

About Ian

Jake Silverstein - Edited
Jake Silverstein

About Jake

Jayna Zoeiro
Jayna Zoeiro

About Jayna

Katie Smith
Katie Smith
Kelly Steyn- PhillyLiving
Kelly Steyn

REALTOR® & Sales Manager
About Kelly

Kelly Steyn
Liz Lutz
Marc Bennett
Marc Bennett

About Marc

Maverick Cook - Headshot
Maverick Cook

Leasing Specialist
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About Maverick

Nicole Carter

REALTOR®, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
About Nicole

Paul Rhodes
Paul Rhodes
Samantha Rodrigues
Samantha Rodrigues

About Samantha

Property Management & Leasing Team

Jamie Golden

Director of Leasing
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About Jamie

Mark Myers

Director of Property Services
About Mark

Abigail Fine
Abigail Fine

Marketing Manager & Real Estate Agent
About Abigail

Cristy Michaels_Resized
Cristy Michaels

Real Estate Agent
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About Cristy

Dakota Townsend
Dakota Townsend

Real Estate Agent
About Dakota

Josh Araujo
Josh Araujo

Real Estate Agent
About Josh

Michael Gordon
Michael Gordon

Real Estate Agent
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Sabina Palermo
Sabina Palermo

Real Estate Agent
About Sabina

Sierra Rodgers
Sierra Rodgers

Real Estate Agent
About Sierra

Scott Keane
Scott Keane

Real Estate Agent
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About Scott

Scott Goldstein

Tenant Relations
Accounts Payable & Receivable, PhillyLiving Management Group
About Scott

Kara Bremner

Compliance Director
About Kara

Mary Umoh
Mary Umoh

Real Estate Agent
About Mary

Nina D’Agostino

Maintenance Supervisor
About Nina

Neena Rutter

Maintenance Coordinator
About Neena

Dawn Tresoikas

Administrator & Maintenance Coordinator
About Dawn

Robert Bremner
Robert Bremner

Broker of Record
About Robert

Executive Leadership & Support Team

Matt Bremner

President, PhillyLiving Management Group
About Matt

David Krieger

Chief Executive Officer, PhillyLiving Sales
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About David

Noah Ostroff
Noah Ostroff

Founder & Brand Ambassador, PhillyLiving
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About Noah

Kristi Yodis
Kristi Yodis

Chief Operating Officer
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About Kristi

Greg Schwartz - Edited
Greg Schwartz

Regional Growth Director
About Greg

Kristin Klinger headshot - Edited
Kristin Klinger

Marketing Coordinator & Graphic Designer
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About Kristin

Kim Kane-PhillyLiving
Kim Kane

Transaction Coordinator
About Kim

Remelie Codilla

Listing Coordinator, Sales
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About Remelie

Anthony Scipione

Property Coordinator, PhillyLiving Management Group
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About Anthony

Jean Cruz
Jean Cruz

Controller, PhillyLiving
About Jean

Jen Jackson

Operations Manager, PhillyLiving Management Group
About Jen

Charlie Sassaman

Senior Accountant, PhillyLiving Management Group
About Charlie

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