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Kelly Steyn


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Kelly began her real estate career in 2006. Over the years, she gained intense experience and knowledge working as an escrow agent for a national title insurance company, a new construction residential sales manager, and as an independent REALTORĀ® since 2010. Kelly is also a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), she helps seniors through the downsizing process including getting their home ready to sell and buying a new home, either locally or out of state. Kelly is also passionate about educating homeowners on how to create a healthy and efficient home. In 2017 she obtained her GREEN designation through the National Association of Realtor.
She loves to be active in the community, including serving in leadership roles with The Junior League of Philadelphia. She brings her compassion and work ethic to her clients to ensure her clients get the best deal to achieve their real estate goals. Kelly is married to Danie Steyn, a golf professional, and instructor. They live in King of Prussia with their rescued dog, Philip, and have two daughters. She is an animal lover and enjoys spending her free time trying new restaurants, being outdoors, and traveling to visit her family that lives all across the US, South Africa, and New Zealand.
  • Philadelphia County
  • Montgomery County
  • Delaware County
  • Bucks County
  • Chester County
  • Senior Real Estate Specialist
  • GREEN Designation
  • Experience with 55+ Communities
  • Downsizing
  • Estate Sales

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