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PHILADELPHIA, PA – January 26, 2021 – PhillyLiving a leading realty team in Philadelphia, known for their fast lease ups, anticipates a strong demand for their services heading into 2021. Already, the team has become the exclusive leasing agent for multiple new construction properties across Philadelphia including 38 units at Emerald Lofts for Streamline, more than 50 units across five buildings for TierView Property Management, and for three new locations for up-and-coming developers, Henry Siebert and Ryan Kalili. 

Adrian Ponsen, Director of Market Analytics at Costar, shared in a January update that he believes Center City rent and occupancy levels stabilized in December 2020 and a gradual recovery is likely this year. He also noted, however, that new construction remains at an alltime high and will cause competition in the market. 

“PhillyLiving believes Landlords have more competition than ever before to fill their units,” says Mike McNelis, Chief Operating Officer of PhillyLiving’s rental and property management division. “As one of only a few realty companies in Philadelphia representing rentals at a high volume and offering leaseup services, we believe, we are uniquely positioned to be able to support the rental market,” he continued.  

Through their LeaseUp service, PhillyLiving promises to lease units faster and with less cost, resulting in highly stabilized and more profitable assets. With close to 30 agents and a powerful marketing team behind them, the company anticipates that their formula for managing rentals will be in demand this year. The team has more than 20 years of experience in leasing class-a “marquis” properties, mixed use developments, adaptive reuse properties, historic conversions and more.

“In addition to understanding the market trends for rentals, we also know that many who are flocking to Philly are young people coming from other major cities who don’t know the Philly landscape,” says Scott Keane, a listing agent for PhillyLiving. “Whether you’re a college student, grad student, or a relocating young professional, we would love to help match you to a great Philly apartment.”

For apartment tours or LeaseUp service inquiries, contact PhillyLiving at 215-392-0230.

About PhillyLiving:
Philly Living is all about enhancing quality of life and making it easier for people to experience moments of joy through real estate. What started as a one-man team led by Noah Ostroff in 2010 has become a full-service organization with close to 30 agents and an experienced in-house operations group that supports all types of real estate transactions. In 2017, Philly Living acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company, which has leased 15,000 properties to date. Most recently in 2020, a new division of Philly Living called Philly Living Management Group was formed to expand the business in the area of property management. For more information, visit

Media Contact: Mike McNelis

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