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Nicole Carter


Search Properties


As a Philadelphia and New Jersey REALTOR® with 19 years of experience, Nicole Carter is dedicated to understanding her clients’ needs and working with them to achieve their real estate goals. In 2023, she expanded her business into New Jersey, and recently joined forces with Keller Williams Jersey Shore in Margate, NJ.

Since 2012, Nicole has enjoyed living in both Margate and Philadelphia, where each location boasts distinct neighborhoods and vibrant personalities. Her enthusiasm for the beach community drives her, and she eagerly anticipates sharing her experience and expertise with current and future clients.

Throughout the last twelve years, Nicole has consistently earned the esteemed 5 Star Professional Real Estate Award. This accolade underscores her commitment to professionalism, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering dedication to prioritizing her clients’ needs. She approaches client interactions with a friendly and well-informed demeanor, leveraging a deep understanding of current market conditions and real estate marketing trends to tailor solutions to each client’s unique requirements. Confident in her knowledge of both the Philadelphia and Jersey Shore real estate markets, she is eager to assist you in finding your dream home. Allow Nicole to serve as your most trusted real estate advocate!

Let’s Make Good Happen