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Becoming a landlord in Philadelphia can present opportunities and challenges. If you’re managing properties yourself or considering professional help, understanding the nuances of property management can impact your success. PhillyLiving Management Group stands out as a leading choice for landlords and tenants. We offer a blend of expertise, dedication, and personalized services. In this interview, Matt Bremner, President of PhillyLiving Management Group, shares his insights on property management, addressing common concerns and showcasing the benefits of our comprehensive services.

Benefits for Landlords

Q: What makes property management so important for landlords in Philadelphia?

Matt Bremner: Property management is the backbone of a successful real estate investment. We take care of everything from tenant screening to maintenance, ensuring landlords can enjoy passive income without experiencing daily hassles. Our team’s expertise allows us to handle issues promptly, maintain high occupancy rates, and ensure properties comply with local regulations. It’s about maximizing your investment while minimizing stress.

Q: How does PhillyLiving Management Group differentiate itself from other property management companies?

Matt Bremner: Our people make the difference. Many of our employees have been with us for over 25 years, and we’ve built long-standing relationships with contractors who know our properties inside out. We’re a second-generation family business, so we understand the value of treating clients like family. Our comprehensive services, combined with our commitment to client satisfaction, set us apart.

Q: Can you share an example of how your team has turned around a challenging property?

Case Story

Matt Bremner: Absolutely. We had a client with an underperforming multi-unit property. The occupancy rate was low, and the building needed significant maintenance. Our team stepped in, assessed the issues, and implemented a targeted strategy. We upgraded the units and improved exposure by executing a strong social media and email marketing strategy, and within six months, we had the property fully leased. This turnaround boosted the property’s profitability and value.

Q: What role does financial management play in your services?

Matt Bremner: Financial management is critical. We use Appfolio, a robust platform that provides full transparency to landlords and helps us manage everything from rent collection to expense tracking. It’s especially beneficial for landlords who struggle with financial organization. Our finance team ensures that income and expenses are balanced to maximize profitability.

Addressing Common Challenges and Solutions

Q: What are some common challenges landlords face, and how does PhillyLiving Management Group help?

Matt Bremner: One major challenge is handling evictions. They’re complicated and emotionally taxing. We have a Tenant Relations Director who works directly with trusted lawyers, ensuring evictions are handled correctly and swiftly. Another common issue is maintenance. We provide 24/7 emergency services, so landlords and tenants know they’re supported around the clock.

Q: How do you assist out-of-state landlords?

Matt Bremner: Many of our clients are from out of state. For them, having a reliable property management team is essential. Even while landlords are miles away, they can trust us to handle everything, from tenant issues to urgent repairs. Also, our out-of-state clients are likely unfamiliar with the ever-changing Philadelphia rental market. They often lean on our team of expert real estate agents to accurately assess the value of their properties.


Navigating the responsibilities of being a landlord in Philadelphia can be complex, but with the right partner, it doesn’t have to be. PhillyLiving Management Group offers expertise, dedication, and a personalized approach to property management. Whether you’re dealing with tenant issues, maintenance, or financial management, we have the solutions to ensure your property is profitable and well-maintained.

For more information or to discuss how we can help you manage your rental properties, contact PhillyLiving Management Group today.

About Matt Bremner

Matt Bremner is the President of PhillyLiving Management Group and a driving force behind the company’s success. With a background in both real estate and business management, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. He has a passion for helping landlords maximize their investment potential while providing top-notch service to tenants. Known for his quick wit and down-to-earth approach, Matt excels in solving problems and ensuring that clients’ properties are managed efficiently and effectively. When he’s not leading his team, Matt enjoys traveling, skiing, finding new restaurants, photography, and spending time with his family.

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