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Anna Ivanova


Search Properties


Anna Ivanova’s journey into real estate began unexpectedly in 2020, after 10 years of working in Hospitality and Business management. She started off as a Leasing Specialist for Post Brothers, quickly becoming one of the top agents in the company. After helping open and lease up a 695 unit community in Northern Liberties, Anna decided to transition into a full-time realtor, leveraging her exceptional skills to serve clients with unwavering dedication and expertise.

As a first-generation immigrant, Anna understands the importance of hard work and having a trusted agent for life’s most significant transactions. Specializing in new construction, relocation, and negotiation, Anna’s commitment to her clients sets her apart in an industry that can sometimes feel impersonal.

Anna is a natural leader, and has always wanted to open up her own business and have her own team. When she is not working, you’ll likely find Anna reading a new book, hanging out with her dog Benji, or traveling to new countries.

With almost two decades of Philadelphia living under her belt, Anna proudly serves clients across Pennsylvania and soon to be New Jersey.

Let’s Make Good Happen