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As a condo owner in Philadelphia, you’re part of a community governed by association documents that outline rules, regulations, and responsibilities. Understanding these documents is crucial for harmonious living and successful property management. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the different types of association documents and their significance for condo owners.

The Importance of Association Documents

Community Associations Institute (“CAI”) is an organization dedicated to fostering community associations. They provide education, resources, and advocacy for homeowners, community managers, and association board members. CAI outlines some of the governing documents commonly seen in communities:

  • Articles of Incorporation: Establishes the association as a legal entity and defines its non-stock and not-for-profit status.
  • Plat: A line drawing filed in local records depicting the location of buildings, units, and common areas.
  • Bylaws: Operational guidelines addressing organizational and administrative aspects such as elections, meetings, and board composition.
  • Rules and Regulations: Detailed explanations of permitted and prohibited activities within the community, typically adopted by the association board.
  • Declaration (CC&Rs): A legal contract binding homeowners to the association and defining maintenance obligations and land usage.

Case Study: Compliance Challenges and Solutions

In a condominium community managed by PhillyLiving Management Group, compliance challenges with association documents arose regarding architectural modifications. Unauthorized renovations and changes to common and limited common elements were initiated by residents without the HOA board’s approval, prompting PhillyLiving Management Group to take a multi-prong approach.

This included educational outreach to the community regarding what was written in the document. A thorough review of guidelines and enforcement procedures was created for requests and approvals, fostering better community engagement and collaborative decision-making.

Through these efforts, PhillyLiving Management Group successfully addressed compliance issues and promoted accountability and respect for community regulations while maintaining the integrity of the community.

Expert Advice and Assistance

Understanding your condo documents is crucial for every owner. It helps ensure that you are compliant with the rules, understand your rights, and are effectively contributing to a well-managed community. If you find navigating these documents challenging, PhillyLiving Management Group can assist you.

Our expertise in property management ensures that we can help you understand your obligations and rights under these documents, aiding in smoother community living and management. Whether you are selling your unit or just looking to be a more informed member of your community, PhillyLiving Management Group is here to help!

About the Author:

George Wells is seasoned in condo association management with 8 years of experience in the field. As a professional, he has helped numerous condo owners navigate complex association documents, ensuring compliance and fostering community well-being. With a passion for effective property management, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every aspect of condo living. George holds certification in Board Leadership from Community Associations Institute and is an MBA candidate at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.


Repke, A. (n.d.). Community Association Governing Documents. Governing documents.doc. 

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