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Ian Creech


Search Properties


Ian Creech joined the PhillyLiving Team in April of 2024. Prior to joining the team, he was with the Intown Real Estate Group at Compass.

Ian grew up in his father’s real estate office in the Catskills of New York, which was founded in 1971, so you could say the business is in his blood. He then began his own real estate career in South Philadelphia in 2005 after graduating from Penn State and falling in love with the real estate culture and lifestyle, as well as the contiguous neighborhoods of Philly. While managing the family business drew Ian back to the Catskills and Northeastern Pennsylvania for six years, he gained extensive experience serving both purchasers and sellers alike.

Ian has also sold thousands of acres and countless vacation homes in rural areas. Ian has learned to literally go the extra mile for his clients and become familiar with the details of every transaction, even becoming certified in Building Code for the sole purpose of providing a better experience to his customers. His service always continues after the deal is done. Ian believes that, in real estate, it’s the things you can’t measure that matter most.

Today, Ian has returned to Philadelphia and now lives in Fishtown.

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