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Bill Samson of PhillyLiving

Bill Samson


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Bill Samson joined the PhillyLiving team as a REALTOR® in November 2018. He takes a client-centered approach to real estate, focusing on each of his clients unique and individualized needs. Listening and understanding his client’s real estate goals is his top priority while making the process of buying, selling, and investing as comfortable as possible.

Originally from the Philly suburbs, Bill grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He attended Temple University and after college, Bill remained in Philadelphia and has enjoyed watching the city grow, change and develop. He currently resides in Fitler Square with his wife and two furry sons. He continues to indulge in the city’s different neighborhoods, sampling food and drinks from great restaurants while enjoying the outdoor cityscape.


  • Philadelphia County
  • Montgomery County
  • Delaware County
  • Bucks County
  • Chester County

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