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In crafting our holiday gift guide, we’ve tailored a selection of items that caters to everyone, based on their living arrangements. Below you’ll find some great gift options suitable for seasoned landlords, condo owners, renters, and first-time homeowners. Whether it’s home gadgets for the seasoned landlord, items for hosting parties by a condo owner, apartment must-haves for the renter, or essential tools for the first-time homeowner, our guide is designed to make holiday shopping a seamless and joyous experience for all. Moreover, we are proud to support our community by incorporating gifts from small Philadelphia businesses into our holiday guide from Box Bar Philly, Open House, Moon and Arrow,  Hello World, and Plant & People.

For The Seasoned Landlord: 

This holiday season, express your appreciation for the landlord in your life – whether it’s your landlord or a friend or family member who rents out their property. Consider practical gifts that will add a warm touch to a property and enhance a tenant’s living experience. 

For The Condo Owner Who Loves Entertaining 

Below we’ve rounded up some gifts for a condo owner that you know loves to entertain. These items are sure to make their next gathering at their condo a blast for all guests who attend! 

For the renter who loves relaxing at home

Celebrate the renter in your life who finds joy in the comforts of home. Elevate their relaxation haven with thoughtful gifts that transform their living space into a cozy retreat

For the first-time homeowner 

Celebrate the milestone of homeownership with thoughtful holiday gifts that turn a house into a warm and welcoming home for the first-time homeowner in your life. Consider practical essentials such as quality kitchenware, tools, or innovative smart home devices that add both functionality and flair to their new space. 

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