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Whether you’re a first time renter or a seasoned renter, understanding the steps involved in securing your ideal home is crucial. At PhillyLiving Management Group, our mission is to make your rental journey as seamless as possible. From the initial search process to move-in day, we’re committed to guiding you through each step of the rental process, offering valuable insights, tips, and expert guidance. 

So if you are ready to start your rental search with us, contact us here and check out the steps below to unlock the secrets to a hassle-free rental experience. If you didn’t know, working with a real estate agent on our team is completely free to renters, we are compensated by landlords and property managers.

Discuss your needs: Clearly communicate your rental requirements including budget, location, and property preferences. Your agent will also need to know important details such as if you have pets, require parking, or have lease term restrictions.

Property search: Your agent will search for properties that match your criteria and schedule showings for the properties you are interested in touring. Our team has access to all available listings in Philadelphia and even off-market properties. You can view PhillyLiving Management Group listings here:

Attend Showings: Your agent will guide you through properties and can answer your questions about the key features and neighborhood. Philadelphia has a diverse selection of neighborhoods so understanding which one is best suited for your needs is important. PhillyLiving Management Group has helped area renters for over 30 years.

Application: When you find your ideal rental in Philadelphia, you’ll need to complete a rental application. Most applications require a fee. You will also have to submit proof of income, a valid form of identification, residential history, and sometimes landlord references.

Lease Agreement: Review the lease carefully with your agent to ensure it aligns with your expectations. Your agent can communicate with the landlord or property manager any questions and negotiate rental terms on your behalf.

Deposit and fees: Typically first month’s rent is due at lease signing as a deposit to hold the apartment. Last month’s rent and security deposit are due soon after lease execution depending on the requirements of the landlord.

Before Move-In: Obtain renters insurance if required by the landlord and activate your utilities under your name before picking up the keys. Compare energy rates:

Move-in: Pick up your keys and don’t forget to do a move-in inspection to document the property’s condition and provide it to the landlord or property manager to have on file.

Our rockstar agent, Cristy Michaels, shares expert tips on the essential steps to prepare you for moving in after you find your dream rental. Get ready for a smooth transition to your new home!

If you are ready to rent, please complete this form and a real estate agent on our team will be in touch with you asap!

About PhillyLiving Management Group:

At PhillyLiving Management Group, our mission is to empower and support real estate investors and tenants through education and advocacy, reducing vacancies, optimizing portfolios, and cultivating long-term wealth. We provide clear, thorough, and honest communication with our customers and employees which results in peace of mind.

PhillyLiving Management Group is the property management division of PhillyLiving led by Matt Bremner. It is a second generation, family-owned business that began in 1982 when Bob Bremner started managing properties in Washington Square. Today, the company serves homeowners, individual investors, community associations, banks, municipalities, portfolio managers, and national institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. PhillyLiving Management Group has a proven ability to turn around rental investments and solve operational problems. It has grown to 3,000 units under management around the Greater Philadelphia market.

Want to discuss property management services? Contact Matt Bemner at

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