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At PhillyLiving Management Group, when you’re responsible for managing over 3,000 properties in Philadelphia, real estate has to be a passion. Over the years, we have come to learn about the various architectural styles of homes in Philadelphia, either because we’ve had the opportunity to be the property management company for some historic properties such as the Chandler Place Condo Association at 251 S 22nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 among many others or because we’ve simply become interested in architecture and design. If you’re not as familiar with some of the famous Philly architects, below we share three prominent individuals who we think were most notable in Philadelphia architecture.

  1. Frank Furness (1839-1912) 

Frank Furness was a prominent Philadelphia architect whose distinctive and innovative designs left a mark on the city’s architectural landscape. His most notable achievement in Philadelphia is undoubtedly the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, a masterpiece of Victorian architecture that marries bold, exuberant ornamentation with functional brilliance. Furness’s design for the academy showcased his unconventional and daring approach to architecture, which often incorporated elements of Gothic and Moorish styles. Beyond his own iconic creations, Frank Furness also exerted a significant influence on a generation of architects who followed in his footsteps. His work inspired and guided architects like Horace Trumbauer and Louis Sullivan, both of whom went on to make significant contributions to American architecture. 

  1. Louis Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Kahn, a renowned figure in the field of architecture who was raised in Philadelphia, has left a legacy in the heart of Philadelphia through his visionary designs that continue to inspire and captivate. His remarkable contributions to the city include the iconic Richards Medical Research Laboratories at the University of Pennsylvania, celebrated for its intricate brickwork and innovative use of natural light. Additionally, Kahn’s influence can be traced to the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, which bears the mark of his formative years in Philadelphia. 

  1. Edwin Bacon (1910-2005)

Edmund Bacon, a renowned architect in Philadelphia, is often hailed as “The Father of Modern Philadelphia” for his significant contributions to the city’s urban planning and development. In 1947, he joined the Philadelphia City Planning Commission and played a pivotal role in the design of the 1947 Better Philadelphia Exhibition, collaborating with notable architects Oscar Stonorov and Louis Kahn. Bacon’s involvement with the City Policy Committee, a grassroots movement focused on political reform, exemplified his commitment to improving Philadelphia’s urban landscape. In 1949, he assumed the role of executive director of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, where his visionary work gained national recognition. His influence was so profound that he graced the cover of Time magazine in 1964, while Life magazine featured a cover story on his work in 1965. Furthermore, Bacon’s legacy endures through the Ed Bacon Foundation, established in 2004 and managed by the Edmund N. Bacon Memorial Committee, which continues to champion his vision for urban development at the Philadelphia Center for Architecture. His 1967 urban planning book, “Design of Cities,” remains an important work in the field. Another notable achievement for Bacon is that he was also the father of actor Kevin Bacon.

Want to know more about noteworthy Philadelphia architects? In 2017, Philly Mag provided a brief overview of well known Philadelphia architects. The Philadelphia Architects and Buildings Project (PAB) is also a regional resource that provides free public access to information and images on Philadelphia architects. And last but not least, we’re a fan of Philadelphia Historic Architecture Tours. There’s always plenty to learn when it comes to Philadelphia Architecture. 

About PhillyLiving Management Group:

At PhillyLiving Management Group, our mission is to empower and support real estate investors and tenants through education and advocacy, reducing vacancies, optimizing portfolios, and cultivating long-term wealth. We provide clear, thorough, and honest communication with our customers and employees which results in peace of mind.

PhillyLiving Management Group is the property management division of PhillyLiving led by Matt Bremner. It is a second generation, family-owned business that began in 1982 when Bob Bremner started managing properties in Washington Square. Today, the company serves homeowners, individual investors, community associations, banks, municipalities, portfolio managers, and national institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. PhillyLiving Management Group has a proven ability to turn around rental investments and solve operational problems. It has grown to 3,000 units under management around the Greater Philadelphia market.

Want to discuss property management services? Contact Matt Bemner at

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