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Eric Bzura has been taking the real estate industry by storm since late 2020. Like many agents, he was first drawn to real estate through the idea of investing and would eventually like to be involved in new builds and rehabbing homes. However, Eric has what other agents don’t – a wife named Jess, who is a professional interior designer and the owner of JB Interiors, LLC. Together, the Bzura’s have a goal of helping people find and design their dream home.

Eric Bzura
Eric Bzura

Perhaps it’s because he’s married to a designer and couples sometimes enjoy similar things – but Eric loves touring homes with first time home buyers who are really interested in design as well. 

“It’s fun to help people realize that they can own for less than they thought possible,” says Eric. “And I like helping clients see the potential of a home based on what they want in it.”

We all know the real estate market is full of homes that either offer great design trends or leave much to be desired. This year, Eric began to document the types of Philly homes he’s encountered on social media and below are several trends Eric has recently observed on the real estate market.

Outdoor Space

Philly home owners truly value outdoor space and many want to create an illusion that they don’t live in a concrete jungle but a lush relaxing space. Some of the creative backyard features Eric’s seen in some of the trendiest Philly homes:

  • Turf in the backyard
  • Trees on rooftops
  • Plunge pools or hot tubs 
  • Outdoor projector for movies

The Kitchen

The kitchen is an area where people congregate and is the lifeblood of the home. A remodeled kitchen can offer one of the largest returns on investment – so it’s easy to make it or break it with the kitchen. If you have plans to redo a kitchen, Eric recommends not skimping on the little things that make a big statement. A few of Eric’s favorite design elements in modern kitchens: 


Let’s face it – a lot of time is spent in the bathroom in the mornings and at night. During the Covid quarantine, many people decided to work on small projects like updating their bathroom and making it more luxurious. Along with kitchens, updating bathrooms is another wise return on investment for the home. Here are a few luxury additions Eric sees people making to bathrooms today:

Are you considering renovations before your home goes on the market? If so, Eric (and Jess!) Bzura could be your perfect match. To work with Eric, you can set an instant appointment or contact him directly at or 732-861-2029.

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